• HP550W
    • HP550 Spec
    • Hammer Selection
    • The Tools
    • Breaker Product Info

    Indeco HP550 Hydraulic Breaker – 3.5T To 6.5T

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      Excavator weight
      3.5T – 6.5T
      Weight of hammer when operated
      320 Kg
      Steel diameter
      75 mm
      Optimal oil supply
      70 – 60 (l/min)
      Possible oil
      85 – 50 (l/min)
      Optimum pressure adjusted to the hammer
      115 – 120 bar
      Possible pressure
      105 – 125 bar
      Pressure adjusted to the excavator
      160 bars
      Back pressure max
      12 bars
      Energy class per blow
      750 joule
      Number of blows per minute
      780 – 1720 n/min

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